Ursin - PvP Server

Baelgun - PvE Server

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hello Hillsbrad Foothills

Finally, I completed the last of the quests in Thousand Needles for the most part. I know I will return here and clear all the raceway quests. Before I said adiu to the zone I ran down to Gadgetzan and got the flight path. Unfortunatly while I was down there some high level mage thought it would be fun to gank me. I got back to my corpse to find said mage being mauled by several level 70's. They sent me a whisper and told me to do what I needed to do while they take care of this guy for ganking a lowbie. I told them thanks and asked them not to grief him too much as I was only here for the flight path and was headded out. After another round of thanks and good lucks I took off out of there and unloaded my bags at the AH.

I went fromt there to Ashenvale to clear a few quests and Stonetalon for a few more and hooked up with a Rogue who I stayed grouped with for a while we completed "The Den" quest line and several of the "Blackfathom Deeps" quests. Yea I finally joined a PUG. We did well only 1 wipe due to one of the mages getting over zelous and lighting all the torches. We regrouped and slaughtered everything there. Just off that series of 4 quests I received almost 7K exp and level 30 in the progress. Thats not counting the 1/4 bar of EXP I got while in the dungon.

Once again leaving Ashenvale I went to Thunder Bluff and cleared inventory and bags at the vendor and AH. After getting all that situated I take off for Ogerimar and get on the Dirgibal for Undercity. I forgot to get the Spelucher flight path previously and I forgot once again. But I made it to Hillsbrad Foothills. Upon getting there I almost immideatly get in the line of sight of a 31 Human Paladin. He tried to get to me but I kept him snared and stunned while my pet ate him and I dotted and blasted him into oblivion.

Being in a hottly and contested zone like Hillsbrad has its own interesting dynamics. I see several high level Horde there. Generally they are just bouncing around not really doing anything. Some are collecting things for tradeskills but they are not harrassing the lower level alliance players too much. They will come to your aid if they see you in trouble but I found out that a few of them stop in to make sure we are not being plauged by high level Alliance players thinking to come here and grief us. One an Orc Hunter told everyone in general chat that if a ?? character comes and ganks us to send a message to general and he would come even the playing field for us.

1 comment:

loronar said...

Hillsbrad is...interesting. Coming from an Alliance point of view, I tend to see "Southshore is under attack!" in World Defense a lot.